Jonathan Gleiser Founder and Director Multimedia Designer (Da Vinci Multimedia Design College of Buenos Aires, Argentina). He worked for more than nine years as Digital Marketing Manager of educational institutions . He oversees the digital contents of a media producer, 4D producciones, and surveys the analytics metrics of 14 websites. For five years he managed the social media of Ysonut Argentina a health and nutrition food multinational French company. He taught Data Analytics in ISEC (A Communications School) in 2009 Manuel Gwiazda Ing. Industrial y traductor Freelancer Me desempeñé como profesor de inglés en Argentina y español en EEUU. Realicé traducción e interpretación de textos para documentales de TV de temática variada y proyectos de ingeniería.
Jesica Rychter Head of contents and communication B.A. in Communication Sciences (University of Buenos Aires ) and Journalism (TEA) (Prestigious Journalims College of Buenos Aires) She has worked in media agencies advising customers about branding and marketing in the media. (Puma, Jonhson &Johnson, Chungo (Ice cream local chain) among others. She has also managed digital contents in emBlue Emal Marketing and external copywriter for mainstream local newspapers like Clarin and Perfil. She also worked as Communication Analiyst for a prestigious private high school Ignacio Baldassari Analista en marketing (INFA) Ayudando hace mas de 4 años a mas de 25 diferentes tipos de empresas a que puedan cumplir sus objetivos tanto comerciales como digitales. Teniendo una fuerte presencia en media buyer comprando espacios publicitarios para asi optimizar campañas de publicidad